Judy Kalin, Artist
“For me, painting is a process of suggesting information and mood to the viewer using technique, color, line, and value on any given surface. I attempt to relate to them emotionally. The viewer often completes the painting as they bring their own life experience and recognition to each work.
I am continually intrigued by the beauty around us and the ever-changing landscapes that our Lord has created. My joy is to attempt to create a fresh understanding of what He has already created.”

As a Christian, I attempt to reflect the beauty of God’s creations in my artworks. I’ve taken various art classes and workshops over the years and attended Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Wa. Fort Steilacoom Community College in Spokane, Wa., TCC in Tacoma, Wa., and Kapalua Art School in Maui. I have been accepted into several juried shows over the years including, Northwest Watercolor Society (Bellevue Art Museum), Western Washington State Fair, and the Puget Sound Area Exhibition (Frye Art Museum) in Seattle.
I am a member of PSSA Puget Sound Sumi Artists and Women Painters of Washington.
With music being my second love, I’ve created the ‘musical collage’ about 22 years ago. I incorporate music, color, and other hand made papers into each piece to express the desired mood and message.
JudyKalin.com, designed with the philosophy that artists should be supported and made accessible to all. With this in mind, we have created an online gallery with which to give glory to our Lord Jesus Christ for the gifts and talents He has given. I exhibit and sell my artwork directly to the public